Focused training programs for managers, supervisors and human resource professionals can be one of the most effective preventative measures employers can take.
Training Modules
“These are great training sessions...”
Conflict Management
Understanding how conflict arises in any context is critical to learning how to manage conflict within or among groups. Recognizing different styles of responding to and addressing conflict is instrumental to finding common ground and respectful understanding in resolving different viewpoints and conflict. This program provides participants with tools and skills for having difficult conversations and being able to collaborate in a more effective manner.Bystander Intervention
Creating a safe workplace includes understanding that each person has a role in supporting others as an observer or onlooker of negative or inappropriate behavior. To be an effective bystander means to become an upstander in situations where the targeted individual may be subjected to macro or micro aggressions. By working with individuals to find ways to respond to biased or other inappropriate behavior, we can work towards creating a safer, more respectful and inclusive workplace.Employment Practices and Pitfalls
To maximize their effectiveness in today’s workplace, CEOs, Management and HR professionals must hone their skills in a range of employment practices; from interviewing applicants, conducting performance evaluations, and managing difficult employees to disciplining employees in an appropriate yet fair and consistent manner. This course outlines the pitfalls of performing these duties improperly and gives managers and supervisors the skills they need to avoid creating risks in their day-to-day interactions with employees.“The program was very organized and covered a large amount of information. It was a benefit to have two instructors at the same time.”
Workplace Harassment Prevention

“This Workplace Harassment class should be a must for all employees.”
Employment Law BasicsOne of the most popular for both new and seasoned managers and supervisors, this course gives an overview of employment law and a solid working knowledge of potential sources of liability. It covers important issues from the types of conduct that can lead to employee claims, to understanding the personal liability of managers and supervisors.
“Excellent teamwork between the trainers.”
Disability Accommodations
Accommodating employees with a range of disabilities can be a complicated and difficult issue, and the increasing prevalence of mental health and related disabilities adds to this challenge. This course helps supervisors and managers understand the workplace issues raised by physical and mental disabilities, and identifies practical ways of accommodating these employees.
“I liked the fact that lawyers presented the material and from their perspective. They offered a great deal of examples and insights.”
Leaves of Absence
Today, Leaves of Absence are more than simply an administrative issue for human resource departments. Managers and supervisors must understand the rights of employees, and they need the skills to manage those with chronic or long-term medical conditions. This course familiarizes managers and supervisors with the fundamentals of the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act and other statutory leave provisions, while helping managers identify the issues they may face as they work with employees who need leaves for personal or family reasons.
Employment Issues from Today’s Technology
As more companies develop virtual workplaces, and more employees are working from home and from around the world, the Internet, Email, Voicemail, Social Media and other technologies are all affecting the employee and employer relationship. This course addresses how the technologies impact the employment relationship as they relate to issues concerning privacy, confidentiality, harassment, recruitment, personnel records, electronic surveillance, telecommuting and protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act.
Employees contending with substance abuse, domestic violence, and family issues inevitably bring personal problems into the workplace. These issues create new demands on managers and supervisors that traditional training does not necessarily prepare them to address. This course focuses on how an employee’s “personal” problems can have implications in the workplace and gives supervisors the necessary skills to respond as problems arise.Emerging Workplace Issues
Bullying and Violence in the Workplace
Today, it is essential that every manager and supervisor know how to identify a potentially risky situation arising out of workplace bullying and workplace violence. Advance training in this area is critical to a company’s quick and appropriate response. This course helps managers and supervisors recognize situations which may be potentially explosive and prepares them to react in a safe and effective manner.
More and more employers are now using temporary, independent contract and leased employees to meet staffing needs. These companies may not fully understand the critical difference between their “contingent workforce” and their regular employees. This course helps HR Professionals understand their obligations to contingent workers and the issues of joint employment and gives them a clear understanding of the rights these individuals have in the workplace.Contingent Workforce
Designed specifically for HR Professionals, this program outlines the steps for conducting an effective internal investigation. The focus in this training session is on providing the skills to direct a thorough and fair investigation.
Internal Investigations